Mango is one of the most popular tropical fruits, together with bananas, coconuts, pineapples, and plantains, thanks to its sweet taste and health benefits (1, 2).
However, it’s a seasonal and highly perishable fruit. So, dehydrating is a way to prolong the fruit’s shelf life and add mango to other food products (1, 3).
Dried mango is a dehydrated version of its fresh counterpart. The reduced water activity makes it shelf stable and reduces spoilage.
This article reviews the nutrition, benefits, potential downsides, and what to look for when buying dried mango.

Dried mango nutrition
Like most dried fruits, dry mango is highly nutritious.
A 1/4 cup (40 grams or about 9 pieces) serving of dry mango delivers (4):
- Calories: 128
- Carbs: 31 grams
- Fiber: 1 gram
- Sugar: 27 grams
- Protein: 1 gram
- Vitamin C: 19% of the Daily Value (DV)
- Folate: 7% of the DV
- Vitamin A: 3% of the DV
Dried mango provides vitamin C, which promotes healthy skin and a strong immune system by acting as a powerful antioxidant — a compound that fights free radicals to protect you from cell damage and chronic diseases (5).
Furthermore, its vitamin A and folate (vitamin B9) content supports eye health and DNA synthesis (6, 7).
Nevertheless, aside from providing high amounts of vitamins, dried mango is also high in calories and naturally occurring sugars, which may lead to high blood sugar levels and unwanted weight gain if consumed in large amounts. So, moderation is key (8).
Dried mango can be purchased sweetened or unsweetened. Note that the sweetened version will have more sugar. Check labels to compare nutrition information across brands and varieties.
SummaryDried mango is a source of nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin A, and folate. It does deliver a fair number of calories and carbs in the form of naturally occurring sugars and, if sweetened, added sugars. So, moderation is key.
Potential benefits
Mangoes may have benefits for reducing your risk of diabetes, cancer, and inflammation, mostly due to their high antioxidant content — namely polyphenols and carotenoids (1, 2).
However, research shows that the drying process affects mango’s nutritional quality, particularly heat sensitive nutrients such as beta carotene — its main type of carotenoid. In fact, it may be reduced by up to 53%, compared with fresh fruit (1, 9).
Yet, this doesn’t mean that dried mango is no longer a good source of antioxidants, as it still provides beta carotene, beta cryptoxanthin, luteoxanthin, and violaxanthin (1).
Dried mango also provides dietary fiber, which may help improve gut health (10, 11).
Lastly, having some dried mango may lead to higher diet quality, as evidence has linked dried fruit consumption with improved nutrient intake and lower body weight and fat measurements (12).
SummaryThough dried mango has a lower antioxidant content than its fresh counterpart, it’s still a good source of carotenoids. It’s also linked to higher fiber intake and improved dietary quality.
Potential risks of consuming dry mango
While mango allergy is very rare, some people may be allergic to a compound called profilin, which may lead to allergic reactions ranging from mild to severe (13).
Profilin in mangoes has a similar structure to birch tree profilin, and it’s the compound behind the cross-reactivity between mango and pear, peach, and apple (13).
Also, people who have had previous contact with poison ivy or poison oak may present a delayed reaction to mangoes due to the high concentration of urushiol in both plants.
However, this is most likely to happen when dried mango still contains the skin, as the compound is predominantly found in mango peel (14).
In addition, some individuals, especially people with asthma, may react to dried mango if sulfites are added as a preservative to maintain its color and prevent spoilage. Some commonly used sulfites include potassium metabisulphite or sulfur dioxide (10).
Lastly, remember to be mindful of portion sizes, as dried mangoes are a concentrated source of natural sugars. To reduce added sugar intake, choose unsweetened dried mango.
SummaryWhile rare, some people may be allergic to compounds profilin or urushiol, which are found in mangoes. Others may be more sensitive to sulfites added to preserve the dried fruit.
Are dried mangoes a healthy snack?
Dried mango is a healthy and convenient snack as long as you’re mindful of the serving size or consume it in moderation.
It’s a good source of vitamins and plant bioactive compounds such as antioxidants, which may protect against anti-inflammatory diseases and even cancer (12, 15, 16).
Snacking on dried mango may be a more nutritious alternative to conventional salty or sugary snacks while helping satisfy cravings for sweets (10).
Dried mango is usually processed in the form of slices and may have a crunchy or chewy texture, depending on the slice’s thickness. Enjoy dried mango as a snack on its own or added to baked goods, yogurt, cereal, trail mix, or mixed with nuts (3, 10).
If you want to give dried mango a try, follow these buying tips to find the most nutritious choice:
- Read the ingredients list, and avoid those with added sugars or concentrated juices.
- Avoid candied dry mango or those with a sugary coating.
- Choose packages where mango is the only ingredient, or try to stick to those with all-natural ingredients.
Dried mango is often available in the supermarket’s produce, dried fruit, snack, or baking aisles. Alternatively, you can purchase it online.
Shop for Made in Nature Organic Dried Mango online.
SummaryDried mango is a nutritious and convenient snack that can be enjoyed on its own or with some yogurt or nuts. When buying dried mango, stick to brands without added sugar and a short ingredients list.
The bottom line
Dried mango packs a punch of vitamins and antioxidants.
However, like most dried fruits, it can be high in calories and naturally occurring sugars, so moderation is key.
For the same reason, avoid brands with added sugars such as sugar coatings or juice infusions.
Just one thing
Try this today: Try unsweetened dried mango as a topping on yogurt or oatmeal or make your own trail mix with dried mango, nuts, and cereal.