Now more than ever, you’ve got spare time on your hands. Yes, it sucks that you’re stuck inside for most of the day, helping to slow down the spread of COVID-19, but there’s a silver lining to this. That is, now you have more time to dedicate to things that are good for you—like reading a book, FaceTiming with your family and friends, and, of course, working out. But how is your diet and nutrition coming along?
Summer is right around the corner, so spending some time touching up on your diet and nutrition knowledge probably isn’t a bad goal either. I mean, when you step outside of your home for the first time in months, do you want your friend’s reaction to be “wow” or “wow?” Weight gain during this pandemic is a serious problem and now that the nation is slowly opening up again its time to shed the excess weight that you may have gained. Right now is the perfect time to get back on track with your fitness goals.
Any athlete (especially any bodybuilder) will tell you that diet is an integral part of any fitness program, and when it comes to getting in great summer shape, nutrition is where the war is won and lost. No amount of training will combat a crappy diet. That’s why we curated our 25 most popular articles on diet and nutrition; to make it even easier to create your healthiest, leanest and strongest body.
Now, you have all of the tools you need in one place to troubleshoot your diet, learn what to eat (and what not to eat) to gain muscle, and how to eat to improve your sex life (yes, that’s a thing).
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Healthy Eating
<h3 class="article__title">
28-Days-to-Lean Meal Plan
<p class="article__subtitle">With the right plan and the right discipline, you can get seriously shredded in just 28 days.</p>
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<p class='slide-count'>1 of 25</p><img width="1109" height="614" src="/uploadfile/2024/1220/20241220100240164.jpg"><p class="photo-credit">Andrey_Popov</p>
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