In this article you will learn when is the best time to have your protein shake.
Protein shakes are a great way to get your daily allotment of protein in easily and is very cost effective. Also, there are many options available for flavour and type of proteins (vegan, whey etc) for your shake. When it comes to the optimal time to consume your choice of protein shake, research shows that the overall amount of protein you have throughout the day is moire important than before or after your workout. Therefore it is essential that you have the daily recommended value of protein for proper muscle growth and recovery. That recommend value is 0.72 grams per pound of body weight.
Here are tips for how to gain muscle effectively:
???? Eat 200-300 calories above you BMR everyday.
???? Use drop-sets, eccentric failure, forced reps and progressive load formats in your workouts.
???? Rest 8 hours a day to gain strength and energy for your next workout.
???? Get enough protein ion your diet to feed your muscles growth.
???? Eat fruits and veggies to get energy for your next workout.
???? Hydrate everyday to prevent muscle dehydration and cramping.
???? Lift heavy on your hard days (three days of the week).
???? Lift lighter three days of the week to allow recovery and growth.
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