" > Training plan to improve jumping ability
" > This plan can increase your vertical jump height by 10-25 cm. Use traditional exercises like barbell squats to strengthen the muscles involved in jumping. Moreover, it is also combined with plyometric exercises such as high box jumps and deep jumps. The result of training is: you will take all your games to a whole new level. " > Expert profile " > Baggett is one of the co-owners of Change Fitness Center in Springfield, Missouri. He is also the author of "The Vertical Jump Growth Bible."Weight Training A
" > Number of training action groups, number of repetitions, rest time
" >- Kneeling hip flexor stretch 1, hold for 30 seconds 0 " >
- Reverse hip lift 2151 minutes " >
- Skipping 31 minutes and 1 minute " >
- Barbell deadlift 153 minutes
- Dumbbell Bulgarian split squat 283 minutes " >
- Standing barbell calf lift 32090 seconds " > Weight training B Training action sets, repetitions, rest time " >
- Kneeling hip flexor stretch 1, hold for 30 seconds 0 " >
- Reverse hip lift 2151 minutes " >
- Skipping 31 minutes and 1 minute
- Barbell squat 353 minutes " > 5.Swiss ball hip raise and leg bend 3890 seconds " >
- Standing barbell calf lift 32090 seconds
" >
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat
" >
" > Kneeling hip flexor stretch " > A " > ●Kneel with your left foot on the soft mat, your right foot on the ground, your right knee on the ground, and your right knee bent at 90 degrees.B
" > ●Bend and stretch the body to the right.
" > C " > ●Turn your body to the right and stretch your right hand as far as possible behind you. Maintain this position for the planned time. " > ●Kneel on your right knee, change hands and repeat the action. " >
Barbell Deadlift
" >
" > Barbell Deadlift " > A " > ●Assemble the barbell and place it against your shins.●Lean forward, bend your knees, hold the barbell with your forehand, and place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width apart.
" > B
" > ●Without bending your lower back, pull your body back and up, buttocks forward, hold the barbell in your hands and stand up. " > ●During the movement, the gluteal muscles are tight. " > ●Return the barbell to the ground as close to your body as possible. " >
Reverse hip lift
" >
" > " > Reverse hip lift " > A●Lie prone on one end of a weight training chair or a Roman stool, with your body on the weight training chair but your buttocks hanging in the air.
" > B
" > ●Lift your feet until your thighs are parallel to your body. " > ●Pause for a moment, then lower your body back to the starting position. " > " > " > A5 dumbbell Bulgarian split squat●Place the instep of the rear foot on the weight training chair. Keep your shoulders back, keep your chest up, and lower your body as low as possible.
" >

. Standing barbell calf lift
" >
Standing barbell calf lift
" > A
" > ●Hold the barbell with your overhand hand and carry the barbell comfortably on your upper back. " > ●Place the toes of both feet on a 10kg bar. " > B " > ●Lift yourself as high as possible on your toes.●Pause for a moment, and then slowly return to the starting position.
" >
" >
Barbell Squat
" >
" > Barbell Squat " > A " > A●Hold the barbell with your overhand hand and place the barbell on your upper back. " > B " > ●Keep your lower back arched forward and your body sink as low as possible. " > ●At the beginning of the movement, first move your hips back, and then bend your knees. " > ●Pause for a moment, then return to the starting position.
" >

Swiss ball hip raise and leg bend
" > Swiss ball hip raise and leg bend
" > ●Lie face up on the ground with your calves and heels on the Swiss ball.
" > B " > ●Hip elevated, body in a straight line from shoulders to knees. " > C " > ●Without pausing, pull your heels toward your body and bring the ball as close to your butt as possible.●Pause for a second or two, then repeat the action, roll the ball back until your body is in a straight line, and return your hips to the ground.