Consume More Protein Now

Not all protein is made equal. When searching for the best bulking methods, be careful as to which foods you consume and how much, says a new study.

The study, published by Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism, encourages those looking to pack on muscle mass to be mindful of the quality and amount of protein that they ingest since there have been “advances” in dietary research over the last several years. 

“The message of protein at each meal in moderation is a paradigm shift from the typical nonspecific default recommendation of a large, global increase in protein intake for populations actively seeking to increase or maintain muscle mass and function,” says study co-author Dr. Rajavel Elango scientist at the British Columbia Children’s Hospital.

You hear that? Take more protein to gain more mass. As if you didn’t need another reason to shovel more powder into that shake. 

Updates are needed for outdated protein recommendations, according to the study. 

“Current dietary protein recommendations may not be sufficient to promote optimal muscle health in all populations, especially aging populations, which are prone to muscle loss,” says the study. 

Protein isn’t only for bulking, but also getting ripped. You can turn fat into muscle with healthy protein consumption and a hardcore workout.