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Muscle Net Tips: This article is suitable for bodybuilding enthusiasts or those with a certain foundation to learn from.
Rule 1: Know when to eat protein
There is no doubt that the best protein comes from food - poultry, seafood, beef, eggs and dairy. Maybe it's fun to write about protein, but it's for really good reasons. The most basic explanation is that our bodies need protein from natural animal sources, and this is a great way to get the most natural and best essential amino acids that we cannot produce on our own. Sometimes whole foods are not the best choice for getting protein, for example: first thing in the morning (Rule 5), before training (Rule 7), after training (Rule 9), between meals snacks (Rule 10), and Before bed (Rule 8). ?Nonetheless, the majority of your daily meals should still consist of natural protein.
Rule 2: Whey protein first
Whey is your arsenal? The most critical protein powder. It’s the fastest-digesting protein you can buy, which means it’s perfect when you need to pump amino acids into your muscles, such as when you wake up (Rule 5), before training (Rule 7) and after training (Rule 9), and the composition of the amino acids is also critical. Whey has a high balance of branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs)—the most critical amino acids for stimulating muscle growth. Additionally, numerous studies have shown that whey is extremely good at promoting protein synthesis (the growth process of muscle cells), especially during training. In fact, whey-bound peptides and small protein molecules speed up blood flow, which brings more nutrients to muscle cells.
So, at the very least, you should have a bucket of whey protein powder on your supplement shelf. Look for products that contain at least some protein isolate, which is absorbed more quickly than whey concentrate. Feeling a little stir? Try whey that contains some hydrolyzate, which is whey protein broken down into smaller structures——It digests faster than protein isolate and is more valuable.
Rule 3 Casein follows
Think of casein as the cousin of whey. They both come from milk, but whey is digested faster, while casein (especially particulate casein) is digested very slowly. When a cup of casein enters the stomach, it forms small particles that are difficult for digestive enzymes to break down, because it takes a long time (up to 7 hours) for those hard-working digestive enzymes to cut through the small particles of casein before you can get stable amino acids. .
This slow and steady release of amino acids can actually prevent the breakdown of muscles that occurs during the long wait between meals. Because the body requires a constant supply of amino acids to function properly, when you are not consuming them (e.g., talking, sleeping), your body will chew through muscles to obtain the amino acids. Casein's ability to prevent this breakdown is also commonly recommended before bed (Rule 8) and between meals (Rule 10).
The latest research shows that casein can effectively help build muscle and delay muscle breakdown. A survey revealed that people who drank a post-workout drink that contained whey and casein gained more muscle over time than those who drank just whey, so we recommend adding casein after training (Rule 9). p>
Rule 4: Don’t forget soy protein
If you’ve already bought whey and good casein, but you still need to set aside budget and clear cupboards, your next step is to buy soy protein powder. Hopefully you didn't know about the controversy surrounding soy protein - that it increases estrogen levels and lowers testosterone levels. In fact, studies have shown that soy protein can increase muscle size just as much as whey, and it also provides benefits that whey and casein do not.
Take nitric oxide (NO), for example. Research shows that genistein, a type of soy phytoestrogen, can increase the amount of nitric oxide enzyme (NOS) in blood vessels. Because nitric oxide enzymes convert arginine into nitric oxide, the presence of genistein increases nitric oxide levels. Did you know that soy protein is high in arginine and genistein, making it perfect for boosting nitric oxide levels?
Because nitric oxide stimulates blood flow to muscles, soybeans are an ideal pre-workout (Rule 7) food, and the same mechanism also promotes post-workout muscle recovery. Other studies have confirmed that soy protein can help reduce fat, especially around the waist and abdomen. That's when researchers at the University of Illinois revealed that soy protein peptides both suppress appetite and boost the brain's metabolic rate when eating a low-carbohydrate diet.
Rule 5: Start with protein powder every day
When you wake up, you areBeing catabolic means your body is eating your muscles, so your first goal in the morning should be to stop attacking your muscles. Timely intake of 20-40 grams of fast-digesting protein allows amino acids to enter the bloodstream, preventing catabolism and replenishing the amino acids lost by muscles overnight. We recommend a mix of half whey and half soy protein.
Rule 6: Know how much protein you need
One very important thing is that you don't eat too much protein, that is, you don't overindulge in it. You need 1-1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight per day, and we're not telling you that these have to be in protein powder form, so how you calculate it depends on your goals.
For those who want to maintain body shape and lose fat, 20 grams of protein is enough, in addition to the 40 grams that need to be taken immediately after training. For bodybuilding enthusiasts who want to build big muscles without caring much about fat, 40 grams of protein will work, except before bedtime and before and after training. Take 20 grams before training and 60 grams after training.
Rule 7: Prepare protein powder
Pre-workout is one of the two most important times to drink protein. Within 30 minutes before training, you need to consume 20 grams of a fast-digesting protein powder. Half whey and half soy protein are the best choices. Again, they are fast-digesting and promote blood flow to the muscles. The branched-chain amino acids in whey are also used as fuel for muscle training, allowing you to train harder and longer.
Rule 8: Sleep with protein
If you realize the importance of rule 5, you will understand why we encourage you to consume protein before bed. Because when you sleep, you do not eat and your body breaks down muscle for fuel. Therefore, when you realize the importance of digesting protein quickly During sex, slow protein is needed at night. Before you touch the pillow, drink 20-40 grams of casein (Rule 3), we recommend protein containing micronized casein.
Rule 9: Recover with protein
After training, you need to replenish 40-60 grams of protein in time. A large number of studies have shown that taking protein from fast-digesting sources immediately after training can increase muscle protein synthesis and stimulate more muscle growth. Make sure you have a really good whey protein in your shaker - it's fast-digesting and the high levels of branched-chain amino acids it contains are great at stimulating protein synthesis.
Again, consider adding some soy protein to your shaker at this critical time. In addition to being quickly absorbed and stimulating blood flow to your muscles by increasing nitric oxide, the antioxidant properties of soy protein can aid muscle recovery better than whey and casein.complex. Speaking of which, we also recommend adding casein to your post-workout shaker, as casein stimulates muscle growth. So what's the best bulk-boosting blend? It's half whey, one-quarter soy protein, one-quarter casein.
Rule 10: Use protein powder as a snack between meals
Whether you're trying to gain weight or gain lean body mass, using protein powder as a between-meal snack is a great option. Your goals determine your choice of protein powder. If you want to gain lean body mass, 20 grams of whey protein is enough. Studies show that whey protein makes you feel fuller longer than other proteins or simple carbohydrates. Drinking some whey between meals will give your body the protein it needs to build muscle mass while keeping you low. Caloric intake.
In order to enhance the fat loss effect, half of it is replaced with soy protein. Those trying to gain weight need to increase their total caloric intake and should eat 40 grams of casein between meals. Casein gives you plenty of protein without feeling too full, so you can still eat a lot at your next meal.
Rule 11 Treat the blender as a friend
Mixing protein powder with water is indeed the perfect way to get protein, but after a long time, the taste will no longer be fresh. Make it lively and consider adding extra ingredients. In addition to 20 grams of fast-absorbing protein before training, you also need 20-40 grams of slow-absorbing carbohydrates, so, can you eat an apple with your protein powder, or can you throw something else in the blender? , such as banana, oats, malt.
Post-workout, in addition to 40-60 grams of protein powder, you'll also need 40-100 grams of fast-absorbing carbohydrates. Try mixing your protein powder with a sports drink or, better yet, a sorbet. Add some healthy fats to your casein before bed to provide protein for longer. Throw a tablespoon of flaxseed oil or an ounce of walnuts into your blender and you might become a very creative chef.
Rule 12 Have fun with taste
Now that you're prepared to whip your egg whites at least twice a day, you need to discover what works for you. Luckily, protein manufacturers have moved beyond chocolate, vanilla, and strawberry, and now you can choose from some fancy flavors like Cookie Ice Cream, Cream Toffee, Mint Chocolate, and more. Try new flavors until you find one you really like, and you'll have gained another 5 pounds.