How to build a devilish figure and build strong muscles? Many people blurt out: "The whole bottle of protein powder!" But what you don't know is that protein powder is actually just one of many muscle-building products. In the vast world of muscle, , and there are many types of auxiliary products. Some of them directly act on muscles, and some can maintain endurance and make you HIGH. Each has different effects and is suitable for fitness enthusiasts at different stages, so choose the right muscle-building product. That's the key!
Glutamine Just increasing the amount of glutamine is not enough, you must also prevent shrinkage
Taking time: 20 minutes before exercise or 20 minutes after exercise
Purchase address: Click to visit Muscle Mall
Why supplement: Its focus is on preventing muscle atrophy. Because high-intensity training interferes with the immune system, within the first 5 minutes of training, glutamine levels will rise and catabolic hormones will be released. But the bad news for trainers does not end there. Even after training has come to an end, glutamine will still be released from the muscles, causing muscle loss, cell dehydration and other phenomena.
Please note
Glutamine can promote rapid cell division. It not only promotes normal cells, but also some mutant cells, such as cancer cells, so it cannot be consumed for a long time.
Branched-chain amino acids Retain "temper-prone" proteins
Taking time: 30~60 minutes before training or within 30 minutes after training

Why supplement: When you exercise a lot, the rate of protein synthesis decreases and the protein is decomposed faster. Branched-chain amino acids make up almost 1/3 of muscle protein. When you want to train a stronger and more powerful body, in cells It is necessary to stimulate and fuel your muscles at a high level, so you must take BCAAs to prevent protein breakdown and muscle loss.
Please note
Branched-chain amino acids must be taken 30 to 60 minutes before training or within 30 minutes after training to promote muscle regeneration and synthesis.
Protein powder Repairs damage. The more "injured" the stronger you become
Taking time: 30~40 minutes after exercise

Whey protein powder
Occupation: Appropriate dosage.
Function: Rapidly absorb protein.
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Why supplement: It can help you repair varying degrees of damage to muscle cells caused by high-intensity exercise, cause muscle protein decomposition, and even over-recovery, thereby increasing muscle growth. To put it in layman's terms, the principle of muscle growth is that through exercise, you destroy the protein tissue in your original muscles, thereby stimulating it to grow again. It's like you take a steel pipe and bend it by pushing it back and forth. If you re-weld it with electric welding, will it be thicker than the original one?
Please note
Do not eat protein powder on an empty stomach, otherwise it will be consumed as a general "thermogenic food". In addition, do not eat it with acidic foods, because when it meets protein powder, it will form clots, affecting digestion and absorption.
Creatine is as exciting as chicken blood
Taking time: 30 minutes after exercise

Improve protein synthesis and body recovery
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Why supplement: It can strengthen your muscle phosphate system and enhance your explosive power. The vast majority of athletes experience strong explosive power after taking it, which allows you to withstand greater intensity training and extend training time, allowing your body to withstand heavy weight stimulation, so that your muscles will become stronger and stronger. The bigger.
Please note
During use, you must drink plenty of water to help it work better. Additionally, it should not be taken with products containing ephedrine, steroids, and insulin.
Nitrogen pump Not only does it train muscles, it also exposes veins
Taking time: 30 minutes before exercise

Why supplement: To put it bluntly, the nitrogen pump is the precursor of nitric oxide. Simply put, it can bring more oxygen, nutrients and hormones to cells, so it is beneficial to muscle growth. Using a nitrogen pump during fitness can improve the congestion effect, which is what everyone calls "blood vessels bursting". To be a devil muscleman, you must not only have meat, but also muscles, which can satisfy your muscles.It’s enough for you! But remember, veins will not pop up after eating it, it also depends on the level of your sebum.
Please note
People with high blood pressure and heart disease should not use this product.
Testosterone Muscles and muscle tone depend on endurance
Taking time: Take as directed by your doctor

Why supplement: It is a steroid hormone. The adrenal gland also secretes a small amount of testosterone. It has the functions of maintaining muscle strength and quality, maintaining bone density and strength, refreshing and improving physical fitness. The muscle-building hormone is called "anabolic hormone", which is artificially modified from testosterone. The effect of androgen is weakened, while the muscle-building effect is retained or enhanced, allowing the human body to achieve an absolute breakthrough in strength, endurance and muscle circumference definition in a short period of time. . However, in official sports competitions, taking this drug is illegal!
Please note
After stopping the drug, the testicles may atrophy, no longer secrete androgens, and may even affect fertility. Therefore, such drugs should be used under the guidance of professionals.